Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Insert Foot

Ever had one of those weeks where you have too much to do and so little time?

On returning home I had plans to do a lot...a lot of different cooking. Including a variety of Asian dim sum dumplings to do and freeze for my mom's later use. Raviolis, cake, dinner every night, homework (hardest class at school is in 6 days, eeeek), scholarships, organization, going through junk in room, hanging out with old friends, shopping, breaking down Christmas decorations, and various other things to do to help my mom out around her house. Needless to say, I have 4 full days left and I think a lot of that will not be happening.

Homework is ALMOST done, thank god. Gonna be late night tonight trying to read another chapter and write notes, I think. Meeting up with my old culinary arts teacher for lunch tomorrow and watching a movie with my friend, which I may pawn off in favor of remaking the cake-cake part again (as I made it 3 days ago thinking I'd do it soon but time lost me again).

Need less time wasting and more time doing! Like getting my ass off this pitiful little blog and reading...or going through my room...or hell, running to Wal-Mart to buy more eggs and make that damned cake tonight!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on the "too much to do over a break where I planned to do nothing" thing. ugh
